lady with dark background

I started something new a few months ago. If you weren’t here, or don’t know, I started my coaching certification with Jay Shetty. I will graduate mid-January 2023, and I have been immersed in the program. I love it, and I love where it’s taking me. I will get to coach alongside my hubby, Vince, and together we will grow Fowler Performance Coaching. It really is a dream life come true.

But until I get there, I am in the space between. The space between where I am right now, and where I am going. 

I am not the old version of myself, just trudging through life in a marketing career that mostly made me anxious, and afraid of client phone calls. Where I had no clarity on what the future looked like for my business or how I was going to get off the hamster wheel. 

But I am not quite the new version of myself either where I am contributing to impact for a full roster of coaching clients. I’m somewhere in the space between. And I can’t say for certain how long I will remain in this space. I think that’s the scary part for me. Finding worth in uncertainty takes a lot of energy and so I remain in this space, but each day I pull myself closer to the opening of the new version.

I am where my feet are at.
Running has taught me this. Don’t worry about the end, or even the path I’m on. It gets better when it gets better. It gets easier when it gets easier. Not before. So I don’t worry about the destination, instead, I try to enjoy every step of the journey. Because I will look back, and wonder why I didn’t. This space between allows for curiosity, and growth. And that’s what I have to remember when I fear the day ahead. Just be exactly where my feet are at.

I am also in a space of  daily contribution. This is new to me. In my marketing career, I had a lot of busy work, and I’m not sure it got me anywhere. I didn’t take time to contribute and I think it’s because I never felt meaning in my work. I just worked. There is a difference, and if you find meaning in your work, you will know the difference I am talking about.
Now, I engage with meaningful humans on LinkedIn, and my Facebook business page. I contribute to my weekly blog here on my website, as well as maintain relationships with my Jay Shetty coaching mentors and fellow students. This takes energy, thought and process. So I stay on top of it. No matter how much I want to just do busy work for the day, I contribute. And I consciously contribute with value. In the space I am in now, value trumps strategy. I don’t always have a lot of strategy because I am in-between, but I give value. That is meaningful to me.

I practice daily gratitude
Simply put, I give thanks. Because the world needs more of that. I am so grateful for the opportunities that come my way. And doors have opened for me that I could never imagine. They open slowly, but the opportunity is there. And it is up to me to see that. So everyday, I journal 3 or 4 things that I am truly grateful for.
Today? I am grateful for hot tea, October colours that I can see from my office window and healthy children. These all have more of a personal story that I won’t get into, but gratitudes can be simple. I do not overcomplicate it. 
Journaling has been a big part of my journey, and continues to allow me to grow. So much so that I created a free journaling habit ‘course’ for anyone who wants to explore. 21 days to develop a journaling habit. I have always liked writing, and so journaling was definitely the next step for me. It’s not always easy, but I love where it takes me. Check that out here.

As I remain in this space between, for who knows how long, I continue these 3 things.

Be where my feet are at.
Contribute value.
Give thanks.

And I know don’t worry about the next space, because I know it will come when it comes. There is a reason that I stay in the space between, it allows me to grow. And as such, you to grow with me.