Symptoms of long term stress and anxiety

Symptoms of long term stress and anxiety

In our fast-paced instant-gratification world, stress has become an almost inevitable part of daily routine in life and in business. While acute stress can sometimes be beneficial, helping us to respond to immediate challenges (you know, tigers chasing us and stuff), long-term low-level stress (which is where a lot of business owners live) —often called…

Strategies for improving workplace communication

Strategies for improving workplace communication

Strategies for improving workplace communication. In the last few months, I have taken a deep dive into the emotional toil that stress has on our bodies, particularly as business owners, entrepreneurs, service providers. Whatever camp you fall in, stress is real. And I have countless stories, including my own, where stress has manifested itself in…

I Feel Invisible

I Feel Invisible

I feel invisible. I know I’m not, but that’s how I feel. Well, on the feelings wheel, I actually feel ignored. But invisible is pretty darn close. Let’s start at the beginning. In January of this year, I found a lump on my breast. I wasn’t really worried, I have had lumps before. I actually…

Smart Goal Method

Smart Goal Method

In our fast-paced world, setting goals has become crucial for personal and professional success. However, merely stating our aspirations is not enough. It’s time to turn to pen and paper and start writing these down. You could use a vision board, a sticky note pad, a custom notebook. It’s up to you, but it’s time…

20 Years Later

20 Years Later

In 2003 I ran a half-marathon. And now 20 years later I ran it again. But I made some much needed changes. 11 months ago, I embarked on a running journey that has transformed both my physical and mental capabilities. Starting with mere 1-minute runs followed by 1-minute walks, I gradually progressed and after a…