Category: Uncategorized

Donita's Blog

Welcome to the Year 2025

As I sit down to reflect on the past year, I’m always amazed at how fast time goes.Even being intentional in the daily to-dos, time still does the proverbial ‘fly.’…

My 100

My 100. Earlier this week marked my 100th therapy session with my amazing therapist, Elizabeth. She’s seen me at my worst, and she’s now starting to see me at my…

World Mental Health Day

I’ve gone to many, many therapy sessions. I’ve spoken to many, many mental health professionals.I’ve read hundreds of books on mental health.I’ve spent hundreds of hours listening to podcasts and…

I Feel Invisible

I feel invisible. I know I’m not, but that’s how I feel. Well, on the feelings wheel, I actually feel ignored. But invisible is pretty darn close. Let’s start at…

It’s not the finish line

This past weekend, in Lethbridge AB (Canada) my husband, Vince, attempted to run a 100 mile race. You read that correctly, 100 miles. Now, let me preface this with the…

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Welcome to the Year 2025

As I sit down to reflect on the past year, I’m always amazed at how fast time goes.Even being intentional in the daily to-dos, time still does the proverbial ‘fly.’…

My 100

My 100. Earlier this week marked my 100th therapy session with my amazing therapist, Elizabeth. She’s seen me at my worst, and she’s now starting to see me at my…

World Mental Health Day

I’ve gone to many, many therapy sessions. I’ve spoken to many, many mental health professionals.I’ve read hundreds of books on mental health.I’ve spent hundreds of hours listening to podcasts and…

How to recharge your body

The importance of rest on the body and mind. Rest is not an absence of activity; it is actually the opposite. A very active state for our body’s and our…

How to improve work motivation

Motivation: Why It’s Bullshit and What You Should Focus on Instead. We’ve all heard the phrase, “I’m just not motivated.” As a coach, I hear it all of the time.…

How to get a business coach

When someone reaches out to me for coaching, we go through a discovery phase to find out if we are a fit together. Over the years, the same questions come…

I Feel Invisible

I feel invisible. I know I’m not, but that’s how I feel. Well, on the feelings wheel, I actually feel ignored. But invisible is pretty darn close. Let’s start at…

It’s not the finish line

This past weekend, in Lethbridge AB (Canada) my husband, Vince, attempted to run a 100 mile race. You read that correctly, 100 miles. Now, let me preface this with the…


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